On Connections


Patterns emerges from linking, and some of them are just false positives.

Why patterns are good?

Patterns embodies higher level of knowledge instead of lower-order knowledge contained in a single note or information. This, in turn, employs wisdom to generate fresh knowledge and action points.

All the connections are not meaningful. Some of them are just wordplays on common words and actually consists of irrelevant ideas.


A well-defined connection strategy.

The Connection Strategy



Entities are quite self-explanatory. In the Obsidian jargon we can consider any note, file, or a referable section of it.

Direct Connection

A direct connection between two entities can be defined by one of the following relations:

  1. Accord: When one entity agrees with or compliments another.
  2. Discord: When one entity disagrees with or refutes another.

Indirect Connection

An indirect connection can be defined by the following signs:

  1. Word: Often the same word can be used across entities without creating a direct connection.
  2. Disassociated Mentions: An entity can refer to another without actually adding any meaningful statement with it. These are just passing mentions without any real significance or Accord or Discord.
  3. Aesthetic Quotes: Often we quote one entity in another for aesthetic reason, not as a reference.

Connection Confidence

Connection confidence means how confident one feels about the meaningfulness of the connection between entities.


Direct Connection with high to medium confidence should get direct link.

Indirect Connection should get indirect link.
Direct Connection with low confidence should be placed as indirect links until the confidence grows.