General System Theory
This book neither dives deep into the subject nor is a textbook. It is more of an overview of the subject and a survey of the state of its development.
In various branches of science, we encounter systems regularly. Von Bertalanffy defines systems[1] as such:
According to von Bertalanffy, some phenomena can only be understood/interpreted at the system level:
His aim was to establish a theory for systems that is applicable to all systems.
The implication of this idea is a paradigm shift. But, this is not only an ambitious idea. The author, using his multidisciplinary knowledge, mathematics, and reasoning— has given a sufficiently compelling demonstration of what he wanted to achieve.
I will not agree with everything the author said, though. For example, he was unable to see how music, culture etc. are useful for survival:
Culture actually is very important for our survival. It enables us to achieve higher, and more complex organisation, often spanning lifetimes of multiple generations.
But these are minor things. His main point remains valid. If we think from a system perspective, many of our current ideas will need radical reevaluation. The author reevaluated stress like this:
In this light, modern approaches to creating a stress-free environment seem not only unnecessary but even harmful.
Von Bertelanffy belonged to an age when scientists used to study not only their own little scoped part of science but science in general, philosophy, art, and life as a whole. He had his failings and moments of shameful inhumanity.[2] But, academically, he was one of the finest of his age. It shows in his work.
Gathered here are Ludwig von Bertalanffy's writings on general systems theory, selected and edited to show the evolution of systems theory and to present it applications to problem solving.
System: a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole. Merriam-Webster ↩︎
On von Bertalanffy's Nazi affiliation: ↩︎