What is the Fourth Dimension?
If not anything else, this spirit (and the execution of it) is an excellent reason to write such a wonderful 32-page pamphlet with striking yet easily understandable ideas.
If you fail to find anything new in this book in regard to the fourth dimension, that is probably because this is one of those works that popularised those ideas.
As the name reveals, this book is a musing/speculation about the fourth dimension.
Hinton's four-dimensional space is an Euclidean one. This shouldn't be confused with the non-Euclidean four-dimensional space like the Minkowski's which was the basis of the Theory of Relativity. Hinton never mentioned time as the fourth dimension and it would've required a paradigm shift on Hinton's part. While it is not the spacetime we know now, it is quite an interesting system.
I liked how— example by example— Hinton built a system of fourth-dimensional space in a few pages which is consistent— complete with physical properties and consciousness, sound in its structure and extremely thought-provoking.
A brief speculation on the nature of Euclidean four-dimensional space.